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New Beginnings

A few nights ago I got a message from my soon to be ex-husband that he wants to agree to have a mutual divorce. To tell you the honest truth deep down I was really hoping and praying for this agreement for more than 4 years but somehow I felt like this is not actually what I wanted. I wanted him to fight for our marriage to actually make an effort to save the marriage but unfortunately, this is and was never the case with him. Since that night I decided that I need to start living my life without expecting anything from anyone.

I was always the type of person that would lookout for the person. I would never utter a single word about my feelings or what I wanted but yes people, I now have decided enough is enough and do what I want.

This has now led me to start writing my blog.

Fortunately, we never had any kids and for this, I am grateful. Imagine growing up with a father/husband that has no respect for himself, his wife, his pets, or his family. He was the type of man that would only look out for himself and what he can gain out of the situation.....A selfish human being!

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